

I am a married father of 4 that loves information security. I love to help people to become more secure, and do my best to show them how by not being secure, they can be owned. A huge misconception in information security is that people don’t need it for their everyday personal lives. That misconception is totally false, in all actuality, information security starts with our everyday lives. A lot of people have work laptops that they take home with them. If those laptops are compromised by an attacker, the whole company has the potential of being owned, all because of one employee that wasn’t fully aware of security best-practices. Information security also needs to start with us, the end-user, because what we do in our everyday lives reflects on how we act and what we do at work. If a person works at a financial institution or a medical facility, this could be a pretty serious issue.

I have an Associate’s in Network Security and am currently working towards my OSCP.  I am Net+, Security+, and A+ certified with a Microsoft 70-290 certification as well. If there’s any security practices and/or things that you would like explained, please comment with what they are and I’d be more than happy to get some answers put up with explanations on what the topic is and how to protect yourself.

A majority of my posts are going to be for the person(s) that are security aware and are looking for answers that they might not have found yet. I encourage you to comment as well, so if you’re having issues installing a security program I can give you some insight on how to get it installed.

I hope you enjoy your time here at security-focused and if there’s anything you’d like to see, please leave a comment and let me know.